Friday 24 October 2014

Out and About in Term 1

Somehow we are already at the end of Term 1!  It's been an exciting term with lots of trips out with exciting and fun filled activities.  We've learnt lots about Orkney and so many different people have helped us along the way. 

As we've had some nice weather we've made the most of it before it vanishes and have visited the beaches around Orkney.  We've caught some hermit crabs and learnt about being safe on the coast and some of us even braved going in the sea! 

To help us understand a little more about being safe we also visited the lifeboat station.  A very helpful member of the crew showed us all around the boat and told us lots of amazing facts about the boat and what the crew do. 

We have also been learning about farming in Orkney and have visited both Corrigall Farm Museum and Barony Mills!  It was hard to imagine living next door to the cows in the same building so it was good to see the buildings and the belongings of the people who lived there. 


We managed to buy some beremeal flour so hopefully next term maybe we could make some Bere Bannocks! 

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Welcome to a New Term 5JC!

Summer term is upon us again, looking forward to a new year with lots of fun and exciting things to learn!